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Is no one going to finish this??? The book was done in 2009. If it was licensed I would bu...

ksb1978 June 16, 2013 6:29 pm

Is no one going to finish this??? The book was done in 2009. If it was licensed I would buy it, but its not. As much as I love and appreciate these sites, I hate the unfinished/dropped stories. And the attitude is since its free, we're not supposed to get mad or pissed when a manga is left undone for no reason. If it was licensed, fine just say so and I will buy it, but to leave so many good stories left behind with no explanation grates my nerves. I'm a firm believer in finishing what I started and if I can't, I let people know and tell them why; I don't leave people hanging in the dust. I really have no right to say anything I guess. Sorry for the rant. I got frustrated.

    Seke August 15, 2013 8:54 am

    oh i completely agree! im grateful to those that translate and post them. >.< i just dont get why people dont ever finish what they start. its a waste if you ask me.. if you arent going to complete it then why bother in the first place

    Fetish Love December 19, 2013 9:48 am

    yes! I feel you man!! i'm also a really big believer of that and just wish i could do this myself but i don't know the language nor how to scanlate a manga. i hope that within the next couple of years, i will be able to learn enough japanese and the skills to translate manga myself and get some of them unfinished ones out there completed.