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Ok. Inna has always been a dislikable, pathetic and selfish character... But I didn't hate...

Anonymous October 18, 2017 5:36 am

Ok. Inna has always been a dislikable, pathetic and selfish character... But I didn't hate her before. I've never wanted Victor to end with her, but I assumed they would end together since they seemed to still have feelings for each other and to be soulmates or something like that, so I was fine with them ending together after she matured and realised she can't force people to love her... BUT now this is too much, this bitch is not only a liar, pathetic, controlling, manipulative, a bad loser, a stalker,selfish, immature, obssessive... but also violent and cruel. She needs to die.

    Anonymous October 18, 2017 5:40 am

    I mean: Inna attacking, stranggling my baby Hunter is too much for me, if I was Victor I would never forgive that bitch, even if she was honestly sorry for everything, meditated, changed, went to the psychologist and redeemed herself... Hurting or disrespecting one my siblings is not something I could ever tolerate. I would destroy her myself.