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If you could choose which order would you have your kids?

Missrain52 October 18, 2017 6:14 am

I would like a set of twins or more first and work my way to more. And I hope two get One boy One girl, but if they're the same, I hope to get the opposite next.

    alinmango October 18, 2017 6:33 am

    How many kids do you want? I personally am a firm 0, but if I absolutely had to have one, I would hope for 1 boy. There are far too many women in my family.

    Missrain52 October 18, 2017 3:24 pm
    How many kids do you want? I personally am a firm 0, but if I absolutely had to have one, I would hope for 1 boy. There are far too many women in my family. alinmango

    I would like 5 or 6.