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cydashlee October 23, 2017 2:53 pm

Guys, if you don't want to go on a roller coaster of disaster filled with indecisiveness even up to the last chapter, I suggest you don't read this. I personally didn't like this, it started off so sweet and then it took a wrong turn. I also didn't like the ending either, this is why I hate love triangles.

    Eduardo24 October 27, 2017 3:22 am

    Can you spoil me the ending and any other important events?

    Mingui October 31, 2017 2:05 am
    Can you spoil me the ending and any other important events? Eduardo24

    Same here !

    cydashlee November 2, 2017 12:41 am
    Same here ! @Mingui


    The ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female character to the roof and commit double suicide because she didnt love him anymore. Any who the Female mc got put in a coma and she forgot who hayato is and she started data falling in love with the psychotic ex boyfriend and he kept lying to her. She ended up with hayato but not the way I wanted it. It was too dark and all of the characters I hated . The female mc and hayato frustrated me to no end. I hated this!!! Hated it!!

    Eduardo24 November 2, 2017 5:02 am
    SpoilerThe ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female characte... cydashlee

    What the actual fuck

    Anonymous November 2, 2017 10:43 pm
    SpoilerThe ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female characte... cydashlee

    LMAO WHAT WAS THE EDITOR THINKING WITH ALL THESE PLOT ELEMENTS. such a hot mess. Shame it had such amazing art

    cydashlee November 3, 2017 4:13 am
    LMAO WHAT WAS THE EDITOR THINKING WITH ALL THESE PLOT ELEMENTS. such a hot mess. Shame it had such amazing art @Anonymous

    Yes its such a shame!!! The art is so beautiful!! It break my heart that it ended up turning to shit. It started off so cute too! The mangaka kinda did this with Akuma to love song too. The ending for that was heart breaking too!

    cydashlee November 3, 2017 4:16 am
    What the actual fuck Eduardo24

    Yes, keep reading at your own risk. I wish I could get my time back but I only ended up reading ahead because it was such a cute manga!but its absolute shit, I promise you that.

    lazybuns November 9, 2017 7:30 pm
    SpoilerThe ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female characte... cydashlee

    WTF... no seriously what the fuck this was not what I was expecting in the least. Like, that is one shitty plot twist and ending wtf

    Anonymous November 22, 2017 1:06 pm
    SpoilerThe ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female characte... cydashlee

    That didn’t happen tho I saw chap 83

    Anonymous December 11, 2017 11:31 pm
    SpoilerThe ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female characte... cydashlee

    wow what the heck, this had such potential to be a cute story of healing and finding love and wow it just gets worse from here?? The jealous manager was already enough but that's so much going on that's not necessary.....seriously can the mc look back to the past and be like high school life was rough.

    Pachinko December 15, 2017 12:39 am
    SpoilerThe ex boyfriend isnt just an arc in this manga, he plays a hugeee role in story. They introduced a lot of psychotic characters one of those "lovely characters" encouraged him to lure the female characte... cydashlee

    Holy fucking shit - good thing you spoiled me... fuck this shit - I'm out!