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I want to stab the author of that YOI dj in the eyes

Vv_89 October 25, 2017 6:41 am

How dare someone write and draw something so sick about such a beloved couple? Some people are just so full of shit in their heads. Make your own damn characters up, don't drag such a sweet pairing into your gore fetish crap. I can sit through gore and what not but to see my children that way I was in tears. I fucking screamed for real.

    Vv_89 October 25, 2017 4:49 pm
    I agree that some dj writers need at least some restraint but dj is by the fans for the fans and lots of ppl enjoy it. Though... I didn't like YOI characters in dj - like I actually read one and hated it and ne... Dusk_Ghoul


    Vv_89 October 25, 2017 4:50 pm
    too scared to read... whats the plot? @Anonymous

    Victor has been missing for 3 years cause he was kidnapped and used as a sex doll by a bunch of sickos and the guy that kidnapped him then mutilates him when he tries to fight back and escape. It is disturbing.

    Fried dumplings October 26, 2017 4:39 am
    dude.. i didn't like it sure but i don't hate it to the point that i wanted to stab the the eyes. it's not for you and it's not for me either. some people might like it. some people don't. let's ju... Itsabouttogetsteamy( ° ʖ °)

    Um...yeah I agree with you...