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how does he expect to be loved back with the way he is treating him ? ok i get it , first ...

too old for manga October 25, 2017 11:17 pm

how does he expect to be loved back with the way he is treating him ? ok i get it , first D didnt treat him right ... in high school ... but what he did is way too much for a human heart n mind to bear. this can drive anyone insane. perhaps when he goes insane he ll fall in love with him.. thats wat makes sense ... i hope the class president (forgot his name) would just vanish for some time n let him get healthy coz i m feeling sorry for his body ... like humiliated in worst ways possible . ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    BACKOFF October 26, 2017 12:38 pm

    Well it's hard to tell for now and who's side to take their past is still in a big question mark and it's obvious Sungho is suffering from some psychological prob which made him do those irrational things. Perhaps in the latter chapter everything will be revealed.