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I had a fun time reading the argument down there~ Really though. Everyone is entitled to t...

YuMi June 21, 2013 7:21 am

I had a fun time reading the argument down there~
Really though. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and have no say in what another thinks. Though an argument about grammar and spelling is quite childish seeing how there is irony invovled as well as the fact not all yaoi readers are of the native english speakers. Therefore, communicating in the "correct" way as those with experience proves to be fairly difficult.
Really... It would be better to just read and move on rather than trying get too involved with your emotions. It's wiser to let everything be than sparking up an argument especialy when it trails from the sex scenes to the english language arts. Keep this in mind, everyone, it's okay to express your opinion as long as you don't try to aggressively insult the mangaka. Harsh criticsm and plain insulting are two very different things. Now stop with the lectures and enjoy the penetration~! ;)

    YuMi June 21, 2013 7:22 am

    I did not realize how much i typed omg.

    YuMi June 21, 2013 7:23 am

    I did not realize how much I typed omg

    the eyes June 30, 2013 11:15 am


    raindragon March 3, 2014 5:23 am

    Obviously, I can say anything I want without your stupid rules and restrictions.