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It's all because he wanted to go to AMERICA goddammit!! No but seriously this manga is so...

DouchebagMcEmo October 28, 2017 4:00 pm

It's all because he wanted to go to AMERICA goddammit!! No but seriously this manga is so good, when I first read the prequel I didn't like it and almost skip this sequel.. Glad I didn't
. Liking an old manga is rare for me, probably because the art and usually there are a lot of cringy moments.. But this one is different, the art is nice(for me at least) and the story is just beautiful.. Can't say the same with the prequel tho. I didn't like tomoi and I definitely hate his partner in the prequel.. 5/5 definitely would read again.. And man I wanted to see tomoi and marvin have a happy life together >.> but to know they love eachother deeply is enough to me.. Wow actually this is the first time I'm writing such a long ass comment on a manga I read :0

    DouchebagMcEmo October 28, 2017 4:07 pm

    And sad that not much ppl know the existence or just simply skip this manga..