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Hmmmm.... Is it weird to like looking at hard buldges, as a guy?

nilsuki October 30, 2017 2:21 pm

Hmmmm.... Is it weird to like looking at hard buldges, as a guy?

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT October 30, 2017 3:03 pm

    No, as a girl I like staring at tiDDIES you're good

    Corvus October 30, 2017 3:07 pm


    Maraa~ October 30, 2017 3:45 pm
    No, as a girl I like staring at tiDDIES you're good PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Me too lol

    XxMeilaxX October 30, 2017 9:00 pm

    Are you a super rare limited edition Fudanshi ??

    kii 6 October 30, 2017 9:54 pm

    Not at all, as a guy myself (not gay, not straight, not bi, nothing. literally just dont care) I do it too.

    XxMeilaxX October 31, 2017 12:12 am
    Not at all, as a guy myself (not gay, not straight, not bi, nothing. literally just dont care) I do it too. kii 6

    I just re-read your first comment and I missed the "like" part oops! I thought you said "Is it weird to be looking and hard buldges, as a guy? " and I interpreted that as, is it weird to be just be reading the "yaoiness" of the manga when you're a guy.

    nilsuki October 31, 2017 12:30 am
    Are you a super rare limited edition Fudanshi ?? XxMeilaxX

    Aha, I guess so?

    kii 6 October 31, 2017 4:14 am
    I just re-read your first comment and I missed the "like" part oops! I thought you said "Is it weird to be looking and hard buldges, as a guy? " and I interpreted that as, is it weird to be just be reading the ... XxMeilaxX

    Nah, I look at real and drawn bulges. I don’t ever see why guys have a hard time being comfortable with their sexuality/just themselves lol.

    nilsuki October 31, 2017 4:43 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Oko

    No... I'm actually not attracted to any gender. I'm Asexual/Aromantic person

    Corvus October 31, 2017 5:34 am

    The fact that fundashis look like lost gems to most fujoshis is funny.

    nilsuki October 31, 2017 2:29 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Oko

    Lol, I don't rly know how a sexuality can be nice but ThankS!

    nilsuki November 1, 2017 6:37 am
    The fact that fundashis look like lost gems to most fujoshis is funny. Corvus

    Omg I do have another fudanshi internet friend in a line group chat and were the only two guys in the entire conversation

    aikochii November 3, 2017 9:58 am
    Omg I do have another fudanshi internet friend in a line group chat and were the only two guys in the entire conversation nilsuki

    This convo is a blessing from the heavens!