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Now I wait for YUuichi x Ren's story. Please!

Chilla008 November 2, 2017 11:31 am

That scene where Yuuichi was chasing after Ren played a lot of scenarios and povs in my head for their future. Like Yuuichi PoV: when I was a kid, my parents are the most beautiful people in my eyes. Seeing them together and happy is the most precious of all. And then there was this kid, he was so bright that I was always chasing after him like a moth to a flame. It was always like that for a long time. (But then more than a decade later, yuuichi couldn't get Ren because everyone thought that Ren's little crush with Ichirou was just that... And thus drama. Hahaha) don't mind Me. Just fangirling!
