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nilsuki November 3, 2017 5:02 pm


    Vaccines November 3, 2017 5:27 pm

    Conor is responsible too for destroying Simon's life when he abandoned him.Veronica is psycho so that is how she sees things but it makes more sense that actually Conor is the source of all Simon 's problems.Besides we have seen Simon hurting the most and having the most problems throughout the series.Plus Conor is the only person who hadn't figured out what a psycho Veronica was.Everyone knew or at least suspected that something was wrong with her.Don't fall on the fujoshi "blame everything to the bitch" trope.Everyone forgives Conor for all his mistakes and justify him mentioning his supposed mental issues but nobody cares about Veronica's psyĉhological problems which made her comit so many mistakes.But in the end if Conor had loved Simon more or had a strong personality he wouldn't had fallen in her traps.Conor is very selfish and arrogant as he admitted himself.He did receive mental health therapy for post traumatic syndrome.Along with the therapy for his hands.He had received help yet he messed up,while Veronica has never been treated for her mental issues.Neither has Simon however he has never hurt Conor.

    Rae November 3, 2017 5:45 pm

    Ignore Vaccines...they are a troll.

    CurlyFujoshi November 3, 2017 6:32 pm

    This. Everyone is like fuck that bitch, but I think it's deeper than that. She really loved Conor and was shown to be actually pretty loving and supportive when they were together. Then when they broke up, Conor was a little bit of a jerk to her. No one had an adult, mature conversation. He left to be happy and in love while she was alone and mentally unstable. Conor has his fair share of blame. I still hope Simon and Conor can be together though and I legitimately pity Veronica and hope she gets help.

    kyra 23 November 3, 2017 6:44 pm
    This. Everyone is like fuck that bitch, but I think it's deeper than that. She really loved Conor and was shown to be actually pretty loving and supportive when they were together. Then when they broke up, Cono... CurlyFujoshi

    It's actually not that deep. The clues are right there, the author left them. I suggest you read it over. Also, why would you try to have sex with someone you know is gay and isn't attracted to you.She sabatoge their relationship. She paid waf to break conor's hands so she could be with him. If she really loved him, she wouldn't have broke his hands, and made him miserable. Think about not being able to make fine movements? Not being able to do things you love to do like playing the guitar .He broke down, and that made her have an opening tobe with him. She sent pictures of them and sent them to Conor's parents. She is clearly obsessed and was from the very beginning. Not from him breaking up with her, but since she first met them.

    nilsuki November 3, 2017 7:16 pm
    Conor is responsible too for destroying Simon's life when he abandoned him.Veronica is psycho so that is how she sees things but it makes more sense that actually Conor is the source of all Simon 's problems.Be... Vaccines

    I mean, well yeah, but I'm blaming his anxiety more than he himself. And, he's a human being, they always make mistakes and not forgiving that mistake just makes you the bad guy here. But I get what u mean

    nilsuki November 3, 2017 7:18 pm
    This. Everyone is like fuck that bitch, but I think it's deeper than that. She really loved Conor and was shown to be actually pretty loving and supportive when they were together. Then when they broke up, Cono... CurlyFujoshi

    No, I understand that. But tbh, she went slightly too far. Yeah she loved him and she devoted herself to him, but instead of talking things through or solve matters in a better way, she did a lot of stuff that are good enough reasons to consider her a criminal. I'm ignoring all of those paintings she did of Conor since I get it, you love him, you wanna paint him, yeah sure. But honestly, poisoning? Reforming documents and bribing a nurse? "Forcing" Conor to stay by lying about her being pregnant? Nope, I'm not having all that bullshit

    nilsuki November 3, 2017 7:20 pm
    This. Everyone is like fuck that bitch, but I think it's deeper than that. She really loved Conor and was shown to be actually pretty loving and supportive when they were together. Then when they broke up, Cono... CurlyFujoshi

    And not to mention kidnapping and using violence against someone. I'm not making that comment based on "a moment's anger" I've thought things through, and that is my conclusion.

    David S. Pumpkins November 3, 2017 8:49 pm
    Conor is responsible too for destroying Simon's life when he abandoned him.Veronica is psycho so that is how she sees things but it makes more sense that actually Conor is the source of all Simon 's problems.Be... Vaccines

    I sort of agree.

    Vaccines November 3, 2017 9:00 pm
    I mean, well yeah, but I'm blaming his anxiety more than he himself. And, he's a human being, they always make mistakes and not forgiving that mistake just makes you the bad guy here. But I get what u mean nilsuki

    And there are characters who are worst and more dangerous than Veronica.Gale for example.He has been through a lot but that guy is such a scary dangerous monster.He is a killer,sadist,rapist,he is a fricking cannibal on top of all but everyone loves him here and nobody ever critisize him about anything.Everyone wants Veronica dead just because she is a woman in a bl comic.She definetely doesn't deserve to die.She should had gone to therapy.

    Anonymous November 3, 2017 9:10 pm
    Ignore Vaccines...they are a troll. Rae

    You're immature af.

    Vaccines November 3, 2017 9:22 pm
    Ignore Vaccines...they are a troll. Rae

    If I was a troll i would tell you that you deserve to die instead of Veronica.Bitch why don't you calm down?I have a different opinion than you.I blame Connor and I always use facts that totally make sense and are included in the series.If you don't understand or you just don't want to understand that is your problem.

    Vaccines November 3, 2017 9:26 pm
    Ignore Vaccines...they are a troll. Rae

    And you haven't even tried to have a conversation or an argument with me.You straight up insult because you are a cunt.Your type of fujoshis are even worse than Veronica.And you don't like it when others find flaws in your precious gay boys personalities and relationship.

    kyra 23 November 3, 2017 9:36 pm
    You're immature af. @Anonymous

    She is a troll though.

    CurlyFujoshi November 3, 2017 9:40 pm
    No, I understand that. But tbh, she went slightly too far. Yeah she loved him and she devoted herself to him, but instead of talking things through or solve matters in a better way, she did a lot of stuff that ... nilsuki

    Oh hell yeah she went waaaay too far lol. She's still the most wrong. At some point she has to realize the reality of the situation. I'm just saying that everyone played a part, some more or less than others.

    Vaccines November 3, 2017 9:53 pm
    She is a troll though. kyra 23

    All these people constantly commenting that they hate Veronica and they want her dead are not trolls but i am?And you are a sneaky cunt because you say to others that im a troll but you don't reply to any of my comments with strong evidence and arguments.

    Anonymous November 3, 2017 10:35 pm
    She is a troll though. kyra 23

    No, she's not. It's pretty narrow-minded of you guys to shut off her arguments like that.

    Sugar November 3, 2017 10:46 pm
    No, she's not. It's pretty narrow-minded of you guys to shut off her arguments like that. @Anonymous

    Excuse me, but she is a troll. She spoils the story for everyone for the past month and a half and arguing with people on here constantly (not writing spoiler or anything like that). When people called her out on it she stated that the raws was out. That doesn't give you the right to spoiler. In addition, she twisted Juns (the author) words on her interview to make it seem like her opinion is right. She is a troll and an annoying one at that. Most people on her know her because of the stuff she post. Stop taking up for her. I'm not being narrow minded, I'm just fed up with the crap.

    Vaccines November 4, 2017 12:17 am
    Excuse me, but she is a troll. She spoils the story for everyone for the past month and a half and arguing with people on here constantly (not writing spoiler or anything like that). When people called her out ... @Sugar

    I will do some research because its hard to find a direct link to everything but im going to post some screenshots of the interview here once i find them.Also i have personally asked the author some questions on Twitter and once she replies i will screenshot it and post it here.As for you who claim that you have read the interview you don't have any proof either.Post a fucking link or a screenshot before I do and proof that im lying or twisting the author 's words.And a troll has to do more hardcore things than i do.My behavior is definetely not that of a trolls.As for spoilers i don't give a shit about your cheap ass.I have bought the comic with money and i have read it legally.But there is no fandom in any social media i use so i came here to talk to people about the series.Of course some of y'all wont like or wont understand what im talking about.I really don't have high expectations from people who choose to read comics illegally knowing very well were to buy them and being totally aware of the fact that they are causing trouble for the artists and the company.I will report this to Lezhin and they will take everything down so shut up.

    Sugar November 4, 2017 12:23 am
    I will do some research because its hard to find a direct link to everything but im going to post some screenshots of the interview here once i find them.Also i have personally asked the author some questions o... Vaccines

    Wow, now you are threatening to tell Lezhin. Wow...we got a real gangsta here, my friends.
    I've also brought all the chapters so if you wanna tell Lezhin, go ahead. You'll be hurting the people who are from other countries that cannot buy from Lezhin. I knew you were a piece of crap.

    Vaccines November 4, 2017 12:36 am
    Wow, now you are threatening to tell Lezhin. Wow...we got a real gangsta here, my friends.I've also brought all the chapters so if you wanna tell Lezhin, go ahead. You'll be hurting the people who are from othe... @Sugar

    Cut the bullshit and hurry up and post a link or a screenshots to proof that im twisting the author 's words from her interviews.Its not true that Lezhin cannot be approached by other countries.They have stated that multiple times and also there aren't any issues about the payment either.You can even pay by PayPal and every type of credit card.And the chapters literally cost around 50 cents each and you even get a big discount if you purchase coins and unlock many chapters at once.So overall there aren't any excuses for anyone not to buy the comic.