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I really don't like the way Veronica is handling things AT ALL. but I will admit I underst...

CurlyFujoshi November 3, 2017 6:17 pm

I really don't like the way Veronica is handling things AT ALL. but I will admit I understand why she's doing it. I remember more in the beginning, when she and Conor were still together and he couldn't get hard for her, I actually felt bad for her. You could see she loved him. She just got caught up in the Conor/Simon love problems, and they weren't very kind to her after they got back together. With that said, I still think she's wrong for all she's doing and I think she's also mentally off. I hope Conor can save Simon, tell her that Simon is his happiness, and she gets some serious help.

    Anonymous November 3, 2017 6:56 pm

    Umm, sweetheart, she caused Simon's and Connor's love problems. She's obsessed...

    David S. Pumpkins November 3, 2017 8:48 pm

    You THINK she's mentally off. You THINK...

    Vaccines November 3, 2017 9:17 pm

    Simon and Connor had problems even before the ones that Veronica caused.We can see it but also according to the author their relationship was already slightly corrupted because they were constantly together.They grew up together in the same house,they went to school together, they practised after school together, they lived together since they graduated from highschool.They were in the same band and worked together.They were literally 24/7 together for years!No matter how much you love someone you need some personal space to breath.Even Connor said to Simon long beforeVeronica appeared he said "Simon we will see each other every day until we die.Don't you ever get tired of me?Couples need breaks" Veronica simply found fertile soil.When he abandoned Simon Connor was ready not to listen to anything Simon had to say.He didn't even give him time to explain that he hadn't even signed for a debut yet.He had signed just for an album.The debut contract was different.If Connor had stayed Simon would had never signed a contract which required him to prostitute himself.But since he lost Connor he didn't feel worthy of anything else.He felt like garbage.

    Kookiechii November 4, 2017 1:55 am

    Her not being treated right doesn’t give her the right to do all that crazy shiet. How can you understand that. Is that how you would act when your relationship isn’t going well? And Connor did tell her off, her homophobic ass doesn’t seem to believe that and still obsessively want to possess Conor. She’s crossing the line pass understanding.

    KyoZaNa✿ November 4, 2017 3:39 am

    That's not love, she's just extremely obsessive & selfish. She completely destroyed Conor's life. Look -