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It feels like a mere chapter one. Many one shots are like that but this one in particular!...

Anonymous November 4, 2017 12:57 am

It feels like a mere chapter one. Many one shots are like that but this one in particular!
Especially during the last page! This could've been the start of a battle of will for a person refusing to prostate herself and has to pay 100 gold coins to him, and that ore sama type of guy who loves money a lot. And why does he love bullying her so much?! Love definitely (probably) cannot start with the way I see it!!! The girl may have been nice to him, but he hasn't changed his attitude (though it seemed like he's amused by her towards the end)- though she stayed by his side, he kicked her. Though she defended him and he healed her, he also had her pay him 100gold pieces! Plus, what would those in the temple say?!? There's more to this story than one chapter!!!
