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Prequel (new release)

    Silvi November 6, 2017 4:59 pm

    will anyone be able to read more chapters of it? xD

    MissManga November 6, 2017 5:07 pm

    Lool.I'm not sure, let's hope that a nice group will take pity on us and translate the rest

    MissManga November 6, 2017 5:07 pm
    will anyone be able to read more chapters of it? xD Silvi

    Lool.I'm not sure, let's hope that a nice group will take pity on us and translate the rest.

    Silvi November 6, 2017 5:22 pm
    Lool.I'm not sure, let's hope that a nice group will take pity on us and translate the rest. MissManga

    lol there will be a lot of ruckus, if anyone picks up anon's project i think :D

    Anonymous November 6, 2017 5:56 pm
    lol there will be a lot of ruckus, if anyone picks up anon's project i think :D Silvi

    Yep, sure, but since its a private group is like anyone is free to scanlate it if they feel like doing it. The unspoken cortesy that rules the scanlation world says that if a group has pick up a project and is doing a decent work is unproper to pick up the same one. Its more like a waste of effor to do the same thing twice although anyone can do whatever they want I think. But if you go private, be private and leave the rest do what they want.