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Nene and Ranko needs to stop

Kayame November 8, 2017 8:16 pm

Nene and Ranko needs to stop sabotaging Juni'ichi and Yukana. I know Ranko loves Yukana but if she really cared, she wouldn't be trying to interfere with when Yukana clearly loves Juni'ichi. Does she think Yukana would be happy if she broke them, all Ranko would accomplish is hurting Yukana for her own selfish needs. And the same is for Nene, like stop. Juni'ichi doesn't see you as anything else other his little sister/childhood friend. And no matter what she does that won't change, so if both of them really loves and cares for these two characters, why would you try to sabotage their relationship? Loving someone means also knowing when to give up gracefully and accept that it just wasn't meant to be.
