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If you were in this manga: Which mask...

HappyVirus707 November 8, 2017 11:16 pm

If you were in this manga:

Which mask would you wear? I'd probably be an angry one cuz I'm always angry.

If you weren't a mask, then what is your weapon of choice? For me, I'd say...gun? I dunno. A scythe is cool but it'd just affect you more than it'd affect enemies xD lol.

You're getting chased by a really difficult to kill mask, would you think strategically on how to ambush it or would you try to find it's weakness while attacking? Maybe strategically because what if it doesn't have a weakness?

Your close friend betrays you and leaves you to die, but then you make it out and see them again then what would you do? Leave them maybe, or just KILL THEM. Nah, kidding. I'd just leave.

Would you kill the enemies or would you just destroy their masks even though it doesn't work in the end? I'd kill them and not waste time, whoops.

Would you rather be alone in this world or be with others? With others.

Do you actually think you could have the right mindset to be in this world where suicide is the answer? No, I'm already mentally DERPY.

Last but not least, why tf am I asking this? I don't know. I'm lonely and obsessed with this manga.

    Whiffle November 9, 2017 1:23 am

    I'll probably be one of those supplier masks because I feel like any other mask would just end up with me being insta-killed.
    Plus based on the mechanics, I'm inherently unlikely to be put in combat. To answer your other question, the game would definitely be unpleasant if I wasn't wearing a mask so I wouldn't necessarily rely on the weapon too much. Realistically, I don't have any experience with a weapon so I'm more of a danger to myself with a weapon lol. Again, will be KO-ed unless I find some sort of handgun for dummies and some magically never-ending amount of ammo >->
    Funny thing is, I can guarantee my friends will NOT betray me because I hate to admit but I will.
    Theysuckatrunning. Cough cough.
    Anyhow. To continue, I'd say because there are only a select few that can control masks, I'd say it's definitely riskier to keep them alive because we do see the influence of the mask gradually return and it's damn hard to overcome that ^^' So sorry morals of mine, you're out of luck. Off with their heads!
    But really, in the end, if I do end up in this world, I'll employ the number one technique which you should all know when transmigrating into a world.
    Find the protagonist, and cling to them. Hard. Hug that thigh like a koala. Those jerks are always the strongest or end up being the strongest so it's best to invest your time into sticking close to this character. Or not. They're also magnets for disaster so better hope you're not just there in that world to substitute for some other poor canon-fodder ^^ To answer your last question, of course you posted this lovely thread because the manga's amazing. So don't worry about it lol, because I'm obsessed with it too ; P So keep forging on lol You'll probably survive longer in the manga then I will anyway ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    miusaski November 9, 2017 1:51 am

    I would wear a creepy mask but be a really friendly person, so people would get a better mindset of "don't judge a book by it's cover." I would have the scariest fucking mask ever but be the nicest person, and get people on my side and like "YO YOU KNOW THAT MASK GIRL" "YEEEAAA MAN SHE'S LIT" shit like that.

    My weapon would be boxing gloves. I am fairly confident in the power of my fists.

    If it didn't have a weakness, I would probably try to use strategies, like dropping something heavy on their head and then snapping their neck or something like that.

    If my close friend betrayed me and I lived, I'd bait them real close to a weak mask and then BOOM one punch the shit out of that weak masked dude in front of my friend, slowly turn towards them for a couple seconds, then like do that cool shit and flick the blood off of my gloves and then walk away slowly. Then go home and have a beer party because that shit was COOL.

    I'd kill them and save my time, haha whoops x2.

    With others for sure. You can't live long on your own and with different people come different minds and better advantages.

    Suicide is never the answer. I'm sure you've seen in a lot of action manga where they go "Only the strongest survive" and honey, i wanna be in the top rank strongest bitch in the club rank so hEEELLLL yeah im gonna stay alive baby.

    I don't know. manga is a pleasant thing indeed c:

    YuzukiMikage November 9, 2017 5:56 am

    Im the expressionless mask cause I dun give a fuck if something happens and just be there in the background (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜