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to each their own but in my opinion, I don’t like 3p relationships bc what if one person...

sam_my November 11, 2017 10:47 pm

to each their own but in my opinion, I don’t like 3p relationships bc what if one person feels left out, or one of them likes the other a bit more and pays attention to them more than the other. It’s complciated, probably when people are in that kind of relationship they figure out what works best, but personally i don’t like the idea of it, I’m not judging though!

    WaterMagic April 14, 2019 8:28 pm

    Omgs same!I have nothing against this kind of relatonship but I would feel so insecure if I was in one.Like I would feel insecure with one partner not just two.I once read a story where these two girls were in a relationship with the same guy and it was functioning good until one girl (bitch) started to hate the other girl and started to leave her out!It was awful...