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when the seme said "Disgusting Homo", i feel sorry for the uke, eventhough im a woman some...

anonymous June 25, 2013 1:15 pm

when the seme said "Disgusting Homo", i feel sorry for the uke, eventhough im a woman somehow i just feel the pain that the uke's feel.That part was so devastated :'(..i was crying because of that part..sitting alone and crying over yaoi pathetic.
But, over all it's sweet story it's worthed :)

    anon June 26, 2013 5:18 pm

    It hurt to hear that, but stories like this are helpful as in they don't ignore the reality that people do get bullied for these things and that there is conflict between hiding or revealing a relationship. It shows the author is aware of the social problems surrounding her material.

    R June 29, 2013 6:50 am

    and then after I cried I laughed at the end..