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Lovely <3

Onlooker November 12, 2017 9:28 am

It's been a while since I found a Yuuri portrayed this well.

This Yuuri actually feels like his age and is portrayed as hard-headed. I've read a lot of DJs that infantaise him, distorted his personality into an 'uke' or make him into a 'hard' seme.

Yuuri is such a beautifully complex & contradictory character that it's so hard to find a really well written Yuuri. He is reserved, STUBBORN, competitive and prideful etc. Yet he has his moments of self-doubt, anxiety- it's so hard not to love him as a character or not find him relatable.

His character cannot be just defined with a single characteristic like you would in an otome game or VN (i.e. princely chara or cool type etc).
