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Does anyone know the name of this BL?

Emi·_·★ November 12, 2017 1:30 pm

Okay, so I read this one BL some years ago and I really liked it and remember the plot very well but the name escapes me.
The story is about a young guy who lives in a harbor town on an island. His mom(?) runs a pub where he crossdresses as a girl and works as a waitress. One day a group of fishermen who are on the island for a short amount of time, about few weeks, stop by the pub and the youngest among the bunch falls for the MC when he's crossdressing. Then they also meet again when the MC is walking his dog in the morning and runs into the young fisherman. He doesn't recognize the MC, obviously, and they kinda become friends and the fisherman keeps on having a crush on the crossdressing MC and the MC falls for the fisherman as well. Of course the BL ends when the fisherman finds out the MCs secret and he has to go to the sea and they promise to meet again, or something like that.
So, does anyone know this story? Please tell if you have even the slightest clue. It's been eating me for so long that I can't take it anymore XD
