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Can someone explain to me how shin got away with not sleeping with the king? Did he like d...

BoizuRabu November 12, 2017 6:58 pm

Can someone explain to me how shin got away with not sleeping with the king? Did he like drug him or something?

    Murano November 12, 2017 7:02 pm

    sort of. I also am not quite sure. but we can't get any assumptions closer that that one. So let's settle with just that

    Hawt♛Pisces November 12, 2017 9:12 pm

    I read the raws and I'm not sure about it but it was due to the usage of magic I guess?

    Anonymous November 23, 2017 5:11 pm

    He played a game of hide and seek with the King and then hid till morning.