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Instead of that H scene in the epilogue they should have shown Masaya's homecoming!!!

... November 12, 2017 8:28 pm

Instead of that H scene in the epilogue they should have shown Masaya's homecoming!!!

    Starlight November 16, 2017 9:54 am

    I agree with you. In the epilogue, I really really really want to see both Masaya & Saiga. It seen that Masaya's condition is already recovered & better than last time. It's all thank to his brother, Ryou & his wish heart letter for recovering & accepting Masaya's apology.

    ... November 16, 2017 11:58 am
    I agree with you. In the epilogue, I really really really want to see both Masaya & Saiga. It seen that Masaya's condition is already recovered & better than last time. It's all thank to his brother, Ry... @Starlight

    Yea but reading 'my brother is visit' and actually seeing the brothers' visit are two different things. I wanted to see them meet.

    Aki December 16, 2017 6:04 pm
    Yea but reading 'my brother is visit' and actually seeing the brothers' visit are two different things. I wanted to see them meet. ...


    Anonymous April 13, 2018 1:14 pm
    I agree with you. In the epilogue, I really really really want to see both Masaya & Saiga. It seen that Masaya's condition is already recovered & better than last time. It's all thank to his brother, Ry... @Starlight

    Apology for being raped?

    caylikesgay December 15, 2018 5:16 pm

    Agree! It will be more satisfying if we could at least get to see the brothers reunited after that traumatic event! They both deserve happiness, and I mean a genuine one and not just an emotionally fulfilling sex kind of happiness. Smh