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Chapter 28

NeonRain November 15, 2017 12:36 pm

I really like at the end of chapter 28, where Yashiro tells Kageyama about when a guy is raped, all he ends up with is a torn asshole. And Kageyama tells him that it's not true, and not to pretend like that's it. Although the scene is almost comical (referring to the way Yashiro is drawn in a comical way in those few scenes), it was important for him to hear that. Because he is still running away from the truth of his past. Also, Yashiro's face after Kageyama asks wasn't he in love with Doumeki grabs at my little heart. He was definitely caught off guard and had to hurry and convince himself, as well as Kageyama, that it wasn't true. What's interesting is how he didn't even DENY that he was in love with Doumeki; he instead said why Doumeki wasn't in love with him back.
I also like the symbolism in Yahsiro covering his face in chapter 28 at the end before he explains to the doctor that Doumeki is like a baby bird. It reminded me of the chapter after Doumeki and Yashiro had sex and he covered his face when he had feeling in his arm again, as if he had put on a mask. He's trying to convince himself that anything Doumeki feels is purely dependence. But what Yashiro refuses to realize is that although that may have been true at first, Yashiro has done so many things for Doumeki that the dependence turned into love and I believe genuine feelings. Yashiro didn't view Doumeki as a monster for beating his father. Yashiro even fixed the relationship between Doumeki and his younger sister. And if Doumeki truly didn't feel something for Yashiro, why did his impotency eventually go away?

    Reality bites November 17, 2017 1:30 am

    It went away bec. he found a reason to feel again. He got that reason Yashiro. liked the things you said,