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it seems they don't understand Kuruo. Like he either talks like an animal or another langu...

HoshiSecret November 15, 2017 1:56 pm

it seems they don't understand Kuruo. Like he either talks like an animal or another language. But he was able to say Keishi's name. hahaha. They fell in love, so cute. You do know that even if he is gay, if you have him donate sperm, and there is a female who will carry the child, You can procreate the species. The professor in this was a dick. Ten bucks says it isn't the first time this whole situation happened either. My little head cannon is, that Keishi's mother was like Kuruo and stole Keishi's dad from the professor's affections and because she was an experiments she was the one who gave him that scar.

    Junai November 17, 2017 9:09 am

    It's Kurou