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This is just an opinion passing by.

Eloise November 18, 2017 12:42 am

This is my humble opinion: They are not in a relationship nor have they been before, at any time neither one of them formally asks for anything from the other. By the Raws the other boy helped him to bear with the consequences of Seme's selfish act, and then it is seen that he gets angry with the Uke because he didn't tell him that he was leaving when he never let him talk to him. The Uke before considered that Seme was never serious with him and now it doesn't seem so either, besides he only seems to want to take responsibility for what he did or apologize. No one can understand each other's feelings if they are not told, the Uke confessed himself properly in the past but Seme never said anything that might even look like a confession.

Although it is most likely that as in almost all Yaois, the Uke will end up being the one who realizes that it is supposed to be his fault for not enduring the idiot Seme and his selfish tantrums, because all his stupidities are because he loves him, and he should understand it with all his mistakes because he loves him too.

    Anonymous November 18, 2017 2:35 am

    NOt in a relationship?? That's an immature and irresponsible thing to say.. There are times that things need to be said to be clear but there are times when words are not needed for the thing to be understood.
    My dear, two men kissed, hugged, touched dicks and almost did sex.. If you say there isn't a relationship, you are clearly being hypocritical.. and you know it.. You won't do that to a friend nor to a schoolmate.. They didn't have clear label to their relationship since both of them are still young and have too much pride BUT THEY HAVE a relationship.. That cannot be denied just because there is never a confession or confrontation of feelings

    Eloise November 18, 2017 9:51 pm

    As I said it is my opinion I do not consider having the absolute truth but I do not understand the violence with which you respond.

    Seme said that the girl who was with him (the one who threw coffee at him) was not his girlfriend and yet he had slept with her several times, so according to logic he was in a relationship with her even if they didn't say it, he should have understood, so he cheated on her with the Uke. obviously someone with that background is not the right person to say anything.

    When they were young, he didn't seem to have a real interest in Uke, he was with girls skipping practice, and then he didn't skip it because he had the Uke, but does that mean he had a relationship with the girls he was going with? No, because he was never serious about them, just as he was never serious about the Uke, the Uke says that Seme did it out of curiosity. and Seme did not contradict him, he could at that moment clarify the nature of his relationship but instead reacted violently and ended up hurting, but for the raws it seems that the Uke likes the scar, sure by some sick feeling, that it was the Seme who made it.

    In the case of the Uke, nothing in the Raws indicates that he slept with the other. But let me kiss him without saying anything because he is supposed to have a relationship with the other that appears later, I wouldn't allow that but neither would allow anyone to touch me without agreeing to a relationship, no matter how much I love him, I wouldn't let anyone else be jealous because jealousy is not love but possession and I am not an object that someone can possess.

    In the end it's just a cliche in the Yaoi, the toxic "love" that of love has nothing, that in the end everything toxic of the other is a sign of love, the more toxic it is the more romantic it is.
    You can look it up online for testimonies from heterosexual people who had homosexual experiences, and who from those experiences realized that they were not homosexual, but besides male roommates or even friends who masturbated together, even touching each other, and never considered that they were homosexual or having a relationship.

    To say that's my opinion is immature is ironic I don't know if in your world people get married because they kissed. People kiss, have sex and that doesn't mean having a relationship. To have a relationship implies a commitment assumed by both people who are supposed to have will and can speak and express it, no one can understand another person if they do not express themselves. kissing someone or sleeping with someone without feeling or wanting anything, is simpler than most people think, having a relationship involves more than physical contact, no matter if it is between two men, two women or one man and one woman, because they are all people works in exactly the same way.

    and I know that there are people who can be devoted to others for the rest of their lives, but this doesn't seem like that case, because Seme as before was involved with many women, his motivation seems more guilty of damaging the Uke, and the Uke says it, again could have clarified his feelings and what he wanted with him and not to say that he wanted to go back to being as before, because for the Uke what they had was:
    He who loved Seme
    the Seme who accepted the Uke out of pity or curiosity.

    In the case of the Uke, nothing in the Raws indicates that he slept with the other.

    Eloise November 18, 2017 9:54 pm

    But he lets me kiss him without saying anything because he is supposed to have a relationship with the other that appears later, I wouldn't allow that but I wouldn't allow anyone to touch me without agreeing to a relationship, no matter how much I loved him, I wouldn't let anyone else jealousy me either, because jealousy is not love but possession and I'm not an object that someone can possess.

    In the end it's just a cliche in the Yaoi, the toxic "love" that of love has nothing, that in the end everything toxic of the other is a sign of love, the more toxic it is the more romantic it is.

    Eloise November 18, 2017 10:12 pm

    what I would do is very different from what you would see in a yaoi, first because I consider the physical and the sentimental unrelated. I believe that you can love someone simply because you are a person, regardless of gender or sex. That's why I believe that having sex with a person doesn't mean you love them, because it means that you can only love a person with whom you have physical contact, or sex, and for me a relationship can't be based only on the physical. The physiological and psychological needs seem dissociative to me, they can converge but it is not necessary. However, I find it cheating to sleep with someone else as much as to be in a relationship in love with someone else. Relationships in most Yaois as well as in the Shoujos are toxic, let's not mention the Shonens or other adult genres, which also leave much to be desired in terms of models of relationships.

    Anonymous November 19, 2017 1:04 am
    As I said it is my opinion I do not consider having the absolute truth but I do not understand the violence with which you respond.Seme said that the girl who was with him (the one who threw coffee at him) was ... Eloise

    Almost one hundred percent agreed. The part I most definitely agree with you on is this: See, people always seem to equate sex with love here. They seem to think sexual attraction equals love. That's why gay men must love the man they're in a relationship of some kind with, for some reason. That isn't true. Because if that were true all heterosexual people would love the opposite sex person they're in some kind of relationship with. That isn't true. But for some reason they think it MUST be true in the case of gay men. Which is why I find that somewhat homophobic. And they wonder why.

    What I don't agree with is your contention about jealousy. I think it is also a sign that the other person is untrustworthy. See, I don't ascribe to the position that some on mangago so heavily align with, it's the fault of the person who trusts too little or too much, which always tends to be the same person in the fictional relationship. It's hypocritical and victim blamey, imo.

    Having said that, I must say that I can't understand why anyone downvoted your post seeing as how it was the most rational post on here.