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Chant17 November 19, 2017 10:51 am

I don't know man. Im all about the bdsm, and this depicts it better than most, but there re still a lot of problem areas. 1. The uke cant have given consent if he was drunk at the time. 2. No discussion of safe words or play that was off limits. 3. Uke seems new to bdsm in general and the seme doesn't really bother to explain anything, like what kind of behaviour (swearing, not calling him master) results in punishment. The seme punishes the uke for not knowing how to "properly ask him to stop" but its not like the seme ever actually told him that info.

    A.Mayura November 21, 2017 12:11 am

    Well said...i was thinking the same thing anyway...poor uke(● ̄(エ) ̄●)