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Looking for a shoujo manga

e.e November 19, 2017 11:10 am

Guys, need help with searching a shoujo manga where kendo is involved. The male protagonist plays kendo and is really good at it, but is a really scary or cold person. He confessed to a girl, who is clumsy. The girl was working hard helping around at the Kendo Clud and the BF hated it because he is jealous. Then a rival came and said he likes the girl and challenge him into a kendo match.

Art style is kinda old, I remembered it having a bit, just a tiny scene of sex.

This was years ago (4 years, i dun remember, its been so long but as you can see, I loved it and remembered the plot). I gave up on finding this manga a thousand of time. Please, I beg those who know, please, please, please, please help me. Its stressful to know so much of it but you cant find it. Im on the verge of crying.

    Rii November 19, 2017 1:12 pm

    The only manga i can think of is Akaiito

    e.e November 19, 2017 2:04 pm
    The only manga i can think of is Akaiito Rii

    Thanks but its not the one. But the one you mentioned was very interesting. Thank you.

    Rii November 19, 2017 5:33 pm
    Thanks but its not the one. But the one you mentioned was very interesting. Thank you. e.e

    No probs