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Well...that was strange. How u gonna sit there and treat someone u love like an experiment...

texan November 21, 2017 4:05 pm

Well...that was strange. How u gonna sit there and treat someone u love like an experiment?? Have the balls to talk nasty to him, screw him& then take off to a meeting the get mad bcoz the other person leaves?? After being talked to like a prostitute and then treated like one i would have left too. The fucker didn't even say stick around or thank u...if i were the uke i would have punched him for showing up at my job and saying such nonsense! The fucker goes thru all that trouble to find the uke and then treats him like that...i don't think so!! UURRGGHH!!!

    LaFujoshi January 27, 2018 2:23 pm

    Same. And you know what's worse? The uke being all like "oooh i'm treated like absolute garbage by the one i love so imma just let every fucking conceited and selfish thing they do go without doing anything about it"

    Mayumi March 1, 2018 4:26 pm
    Same. And you know what's worse? The uke being all like "oooh i'm treated like absolute garbage by the one i love so imma just let every fucking conceited and selfish thing they do go without doing anything abo... LaFujoshi
