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Ok imma stop there. I don't think i got past the 1st chapter!! Reona is so stupid!! There ...

texan November 21, 2017 4:48 pm

Ok imma stop there. I don't think i got past the 1st chapter!! Reona is so stupid!! There are concrete blocks with more intelligence and common sense then him! Really?? Your gonna accept punishment for breaking something that was placed on your bed AFTER you went to sleep?? Better yet how do you not feel something like that being put there? And then all the traps after?? How dense can one person be? That is not 'PURE' or 'NAIVE' that is sheer 'STUPIDITY'!!

    takame November 21, 2017 5:04 pm

    that's the exact reason why it's funny for me tho.
    stupid seme or uke are amusing AF. maybe that type is not for you? (they're not naive nor... they're just plain idiots.)