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I'm not going to lie, I love it when I can see the cum dripping down the uke's legs. It's ...

Aoba November 25, 2017 5:48 am

I'm not going to lie, I love it when I can see the cum dripping down the uke's legs. It's one of my favorite views. ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Hmm... I wonder who is underestimating whom. ( ̄∇ ̄") Does Prince Ryan dye his hair? It looks like he had black hair as a child, but now he has blonde hair... He looked like he could have been the warlock as a child. I wonder who saved him.

    Lupin3rd November 25, 2017 6:05 am


    Aoba November 25, 2017 6:10 am
    Omg.. Lupin3rd

    Haha, did I share too much information?

    Aoba November 25, 2017 6:11 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    Yessssss, BTS, my babies!

    Lupin3rd November 25, 2017 6:26 am

    Freedom of speech!! It's just omg.. Its was the first comment in the list for me and I was taken aback a little. I love you tho. You gave me a great laugh.

    Aoba November 25, 2017 8:04 am
    Freedom of speech!! It's just omg.. Its was the first comment in the list for me and I was taken aback a little. I love you tho. You gave me a great laugh. Lupin3rd

    Haha, I'm glad I could make you laugh. ^-^ Thanks for the love!

    Nicole_cyrus2311 November 25, 2017 11:16 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ


    GIGOLO November 25, 2017 12:25 pm
    BAHAHAHA BTS Nicole_cyrus2311


    GIGOLO November 25, 2017 12:25 pm


    Nicole_cyrus2311 November 25, 2017 2:49 pm

    Boi I feel violated

    GIGOLO November 25, 2017 3:10 pm
    Boi I feel violated Nicole_cyrus2311

    sorry, i just thought that most of them are annoying ,specially in youtube..they are very toxic and scary.. there was even this one time when i was about to comment that''DNA'' wasn't really a bop and then i saw someone commented it first and he or she got attacked without mercy..sorry..but i think some still are good right?

    Nicole_cyrus2311 November 26, 2017 5:25 am

    I legit make fanarts of them bahahah nah not all armys are bad.

    GIGOLO November 26, 2017 5:41 am
    I legit make fanarts of them bahahah nah not all armys are bad. Nicole_cyrus2311

    i literally love them but the armies..really.. i feel like that they will really attack me if i express my opinions. because i have to admit..bts have bad songs.. like DNA

    Nicole_cyrus2311 November 26, 2017 2:52 pm
    i literally love them but the armies..really.. i feel like that they will really attack me if i express my opinions. because i have to admit..bts have bad songs.. like DNA GIGOLO

    Well, in that case I disagree. I mean making songs is difficult, you can't just expect every single one of their songs to be good, it's not easy. And yes, some armies will attack you depending how harsh your opinions are, everyone does shit for a reason. You can't just judge armies by only one thing, they're not the same, everyone as an individual is different. That's my point of view. It really isn't nice judging us by only one side; it's like taking a small part of a circle, judging whether you like it or not when there's so much left in there that you still don't know about. If someone is going to spread a hate comment on something you like, of course you're probably gonna get pissed, what else do you expect? Being cynical isn't gonna do anything.

    GIGOLO November 26, 2017 3:20 pm
    Well, in that case I disagree. I mean making songs is difficult, you can't just expect every single one of their songs to be good, it's not easy. And yes, some armies will attack you depending how harsh your op... Nicole_cyrus2311

    Well thats because i know that a lot of your fandom are a little bit immature .. So sometimes i get annoyed when they cant accept the fact that a song isnt good.. Even though your comment was an on point criticism.. They will still think that what youre saying is utter bullshit and it pisses me off..actually anyone wouldnt be able that kind of treatment.. I know that for a fact that sometimes criticisms are awful to look at but it was still a fact and the worst thing about that is when you gave your most honest opinions or facts .they will call you different phrases that annoys me to death like "you are not worthy to listen to bts" or "why are you here anyway? ,you're just an annoyance".. I know i support them but sometimes i have to admit that they have some songs that are not good..

    P.S. My comments were not mean but all criticisms(and i even mention that i love the group)..i love the group.. But i cant just go to an fandom that maybe half of your fandoms are obsessed of them to the point that they lost their rationality.. Sorry

    GIGOLO November 26, 2017 3:21 pm
    Well thats because i know that a lot of your fandom are a little bit immature .. So sometimes i get annoyed when they cant accept the fact that a song isnt good.. Even though your comment was an on point critic... GIGOLO

    When i meant by immature..i meant teenagers by the way

    GIGOLO November 26, 2017 4:06 pm
    Well, in that case I disagree. I mean making songs is difficult, you can't just expect every single one of their songs to be good, it's not easy. And yes, some armies will attack you depending how harsh your op... Nicole_cyrus2311

    But i might consider your opinion though but right now.. I dont think i can accept being in a fandom like that.. But who knows i mighht changed my mind since im an open minded person and is welcome to change.. So who knows

    Nicole_cyrus2311 November 27, 2017 4:58 am
    But i might consider your opinion though but right now.. I dont think i can accept being in a fandom like that.. But who knows i mighht changed my mind since im an open minded person and is welcome to change.. ... GIGOLO

    I'm actually 13 lmao, but yeah, I respect your opinion.

    Anonymous November 27, 2017 7:35 am
    But i might consider your opinion though but right now.. I dont think i can accept being in a fandom like that.. But who knows i mighht changed my mind since im an open minded person and is welcome to change.. ... GIGOLO

    To think we came from the same country, I would like to clarify something.
    It will always be "HARSH" for someone to call a person's work as "BAD" without any sign of respect in the statement itself, most especially if they worked hard on it. Regardless the perspective, we are all humans, we are not perfect in every sense. True, there are some of the BTS song that aren't that good like any other artist (to my opinion), and I admit DNA isn't really the best (to my opinion).

    But please do know the difference between "CRITICISM" and just being "RUDE". Instead of saying "DNA is a bad song", you could have said "Among all the BTS song; DNA isn't really working for me but the group is dope overall." Yes, filtering is necessary because you said it yourself that you like BTS but not the fandom and the fandoms' actions doesn't connect to the group, this is just mere showing a bit of respect towards the artist.

    "BAD" is a BROAD word, it can be pointed out generally. There might be songs that you don't like but that differs from others taste. Saying "BTS have bad songs" generalize to others perspective, and hey! There is those others who consider EVERY song made by BTS as bad since they fit their taste and couldn't agree on your perspective.

    And I would also like to point out something else regarding the fans. You kept on mentioning that MOST fans of BTS are TEENAGERS, but statistically proven that statement is wrong. Most BTS fans rage from 20 to 50 years of age, commonly 20+ and 40+. I admit they can be SAVAGES, but they can also be as HARMLESS and GOOD as a potato if you don't trigger them.

    Also, saying you don't like Armys because you can't express yourself and all. Like, common sense. If you comment a negative-view criticism UNDER THE OFFICIAL VIDEO of ANY OTHER artists, what would you expect? For them to welcome you with open arms as you justified your own statement saying the "MUSIC IS BAD" under their favorite artist (who they love) OFFICIAL VIDEO? Like, gurl. That's like welcoming someone who called your mother (who you love) "UGLY" in your own house and letting him/her dig in your fridge and allowing him/her to leave just because he/she told his/her honest criticism. BTS has more than 10 million fans, and saying a lot of the fandom is immature is like saying more than 1 million people are immature. I honestly could only see like, 2-10 negative comments created by Armys that weren't triggered.

    None the less I just want to point that out, please do watch your words next time. "Freedom of speech" doesn't imply or give other people the rights to talk bad towards another, being "RESPECTFUL" is still applicable in this one if one aimed to provide criticism.

    Now let us focus to the manga! I have mixed feeling towards this but so far I'm liking it~ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I hope it doesn't turn out too dramatic or twisted hahaha

    Anonymous November 27, 2017 7:38 am
    But i might consider your opinion though but right now.. I dont think i can accept being in a fandom like that.. But who knows i mighht changed my mind since im an open minded person and is welcome to change.. ... GIGOLO

    *Every songs made by BTS as *GOOD
    sorry I didn't proof read this hahaha my bad~

    GIGOLO November 27, 2017 10:21 am
    To think we came from the same country, I would like to clarify something.It will always be "HARSH" for someone to call a person's work as "BAD" without any sign of respect in the statement itself, most especia... @Anonymous

    i understand your point a lot but since you said respect.. then why cant they respect my opinion or any people for that matter?.. ive shown respect enough to the group itself calling them my favorite group and supporting them with all my might.. for that matter shouldnt i at least be given credit for what i have done to them.? and i think that respecting my opinions is good enough for me or even for other people for that matter

    as for my words..yeah i admit it was my fault that i shouldnt use words that can be easily misunderstood but honestly i dont do harm and i think i should learn from that my words can really be misinterpret to a negative word.. so i will admit as a fault and i took the term freedom of speech to another meaning and that was entirely my fault.. But even though.. you said that freedom of speech is a good term and you that is being respectful and i know that but i cant respect somebody who can't respect my opinions or me as an whole..because that is like degrading you and making you feel like an idiot.. and my words was even good enough to be called as an honest statement like literally i just said ''DNA was good but i honestly think blood,sweat and tears was better'' and that was an honest opinion.. and i should thank the other armies who had the same thought with me or respected my opinion but the other fans was too much. they called me names and such..and for that matter.. i didnt even post that in an BTS fact i posted that in an another channel comparing the song of BTS (DNA) and the song of EXO (POWER).. so i dont think i should say sorry for saying something that is an honest opinion

    and as for the facts.. yeah i should work on my facts more but that doesnt change the fact that you should attack a person who is giving his most honest and sincere opinions..i mean they will attack without even understanding or try to reason it out for you to understand.. if you were in my part.. giving your honest views to a certain song and then they just come in and say '' wooow what a loser'',''who are you anyway to listen to this kings'' or ''lool, another person who is trying to know all'' what would you feel? wouldnt you feel emberassed? so you want me to respect people who doesnt even know how to respect other people for that matter.. and sure it was wrong for me to blame it all on the armies in general and i say sorry for that and i say sorry to you also for the harsh things i said but there is really nothing wrong with expressing what you feel.. so i thank you also because i changed my thinking in armies a lot with your comment but as i said.. there is really nothing wrong with criticisms as long as your open minded to things and thanks to your comment i know that.. not people are the same.. not anybody can be a open minded as me or you in fact.. SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH, i really appreciate your comment.