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Oh man, I expect there will be a lot of angst😰 I think Hotaka was/still is in love with...

Kate LeClair November 25, 2017 9:48 am

Oh man, I expect there will be a lot of angst
I think Hotaka was/still is in love with Masato but decided to "go with the flow" and accept that Masato is married now and with a kid. AND we still don't know what really happened between Masato and his wife in the past. Because it's obvious that Masato feels smth towards Hotaka. Maybe it's really, like someone already mentioned here, the case where both know that they like each other but one of them chickens out and tries to prove to hinself that he's not gay and starts dating a girl. In the end everyone suffers because of the wrong decisions made in the past. Oh man. Although I still don't know how I feel about Chika - for him it's all just "having fun" for NOW, but if Masato interferes, then maybe there will be this feelings of rivalry from him which will drive his interest towards Hotaka for a lot longer than it was expected.
Let me just say - poor Hotaka! I feel he will suffer the most because of all the choosing he will have to do
