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Man. The dad is definitely gonna go psycho.

ksb1978 June 30, 2013 2:32 am

Man. The dad is definitely gonna go psycho.

    light September 30, 2013 3:42 pm

    His father should have been tossed in jail a long time ago.
    If teachers suspect that something like that is going on, its better to do something one time to much, than one to late, rather than letting it slide, because they are afraid of the consequences it may lead to.
    he got counseling when he was younger, but no one stepped in and did something.
    that made me really mad, it's lucky there are teatchers who do speak up in real life.
    glad this story ended with him with someone else, but for some reason, the story left me with a feeling that something bad would happen, hope not.

    IAMDOVE January 20, 2014 6:36 am

    I cant help bit think where is his mom while he does this ..cause they did not say she was dead and he also referred to his mole so is she like at work or something

    blackie February 6, 2014 11:43 am

    i got the idea he was just reminiscing about the mole, and that the mom really left or is dead