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This is on haitus due to some issue with the author. Official statement has been released ...

Jepoyish November 28, 2017 5:29 pm

This is on haitus due to some issue with the author. Official statement has been released by the publisher that this will be put on hold and there will be investigation on the author.

    Anonymous January 17, 2018 6:29 am

    Not some issue. He owned videos of childpornography, thats a HUGE issue.

    LallaLa January 17, 2018 6:38 am
    Not some issue. He owned videos of childpornography, thats a HUGE issue. @Anonymous

    Yup, I never even expected that. Although I do like Rurouni Kenshin a lot due to nostalgia (childhood spent reading this), child pornography isn't just anything. I don't think he has ever laid his hands on a child, but still possessed videos of child pornography at his office. It is a serious crime that needs to be cut from the root.
    Though it is such a shame that the author of such a good manga would be into children. Tho I do wonder if it is just put on hold. Since this is a huge issue, I think the wisest course of action would be to stop publishing the manga.

    Anonymous January 17, 2018 8:13 am
    Yup, I never even expected that. Although I do like Rurouni Kenshin a lot due to nostalgia (childhood spent reading this), child pornography isn't just anything. I don't think he has ever laid his hands on a ch... LallaLa

    I read somewhere he said that he likes seeing naked little girls. Wtf