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This story has me hooked, I originally thought that the uke was a victim but got away befo...

Pidgehardy November 29, 2017 12:23 am

This story has me hooked, I originally thought that the uke was a victim but got away before he was killed. I was waiting to see if he had a scar on his back, also thought that the killer may of been a peado who rapes his victims nd thats why the uke keeps getting horny around victims. But how it turned out is even better

It's 100% the councillor it has to be, nd he's clearly targeting boys who go to him for advice about their sexuality. Maybe he's gay and was forced to marry a woman/ grew up in a time where homosexuality was frowned upon so hes taking out his frustrations on boys who can be openly gay or maybe he's just a massive homophobe. But it has to be him, it makes sense :3

    Usako November 29, 2017 6:23 pm

    I agree. He probably confessed to a guy when he was 15, and got picked on for it.