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King's Maker

Bruuh December 1, 2017 11:28 pm

am I the only one that thinks, that Soohyuk asked Wolfgang to give him those hickeys? So the king wouldn't want him anymore? Cause it seemed for me, that Wolfgang was way to depressed when Soohyuk left, like he knew something bad would happen, or maybe Soohyuk just used Wolfgang to be free

    ash November 29, 2017 5:27 am

    I think Wolfgang knew Soohyuk was acting that way because something was wrong but not what exactly. He kinda gave in to his impulses and i think regretted that he did that when it was less than an ideal situation for Soohyuk. I think he didnt really piece it all together until the next chapter though.
    I bet he worried alot about if he was like his father or not after that. :(

    Moran E. November 29, 2017 6:13 am

    I think you both nailed it.

    I think the same way; Soohyuk barely escaped the king the first time, so when he finds Wolfgang, he's desperate, because he knows they'll only have that time to be together (the king would surely summon him again the following night). And I believe they were both aware of their feelings for each other, because of that night at the ball.

    So when Soohyuk stumbles into Wolfgang, he throws himself without hesitation (though I do agree that the biting might have been planned beforehand. In fact, the whole affair might've been Soohyuk's back-up plan to get away from the king, and he put it into action literally as soon as he could. But I think he wasn't expecting leaving so shook from the encounter lmao)

    Bruuh December 1, 2017 11:21 pm
    I think you both nailed it. I think the same way; Soohyuk barely escaped the king the first time, so when he finds Wolfgang, he's desperate, because he knows they'll only have that time to be together (the kin... Moran E.

    I was soooo chocked when I thought about that, cause I was so happy, yay the ship is sailing, then... WHY IS HE SO UPSET? I read both chapters 24 and 25 again, then I got so sad for Soohyuk, I had to talk about that with somebody

    Bruuh December 1, 2017 11:26 pm
    I think Wolfgang knew Soohyuk was acting that way because something was wrong but not what exactly. He kinda gave in to his impulses and i think regretted that he did that when it was less than an ideal situati... @ash

    That makes sense and make the scene even sadder for Wolfgang, especially if Soohyuk didn't tell Wolfgang, that he planned to use him to escape from the king, cause it would be heartbreaking for Wolfgang, not know that the whole thing was Soohyuks's plan
    Imagine that, he just got a moment with the boy he loves and loses control for a moment, and because of that he's being punished. Maybe he thought that it was his fault