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I love this so much yet

pennyinheaven December 2, 2017 6:07 am

I love how the author took on lingering feelings, guilt and second-guessing. It's very realistic! People make irrational decisions when push comes to shove. The almost cheating part was accurate. The whole process Karasuma went through was accurate. But most importantly, I love how mature and thorough Karasuma is with his thoughts and Hato having self-control, hitting Karasuma once. Even bringing up Phantom Pregnancy. I remember Nigai no Theme, where the nuances that Abe Akane did on that series are pretty much explicitly mentioned here.

Though, I can't help feel offended for how women and bottoms are treated here. The only redeeming part about female discrimination in the series is having Onee-san as a very domineering and aggressive woman.
