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My thoughts

Asa December 5, 2017 2:56 am

So these are my thoughts on the ending

So from what I've read from the spoilers,Hotaka ends up with Masato while Chika accepts the marriage arranged by his parents. I can't really put all the blame onto Chika since he and I share quite a few personalities and one of them is being insecure of the relationship he has with Hotaka. Chika feels the need to cut off the relationship between them due to being insecure/thinking that he's not good enough. Honestly,I'm like that. Sometimes when you fall for someone and there are other people chasing after them,you just feel like giving up cuz you don't think you could win over them or you simply dislike fighting. I would've done the same as Chika but I wouldn't go as far as to cut the ties off (however this part is just an assumption,it's not confirmed whether Chika cuts the relationship off or not) I'd usually just give up on my own feelings and walk away which is not a good thing and I actually hope for Chika to fight for his feelings but then again I just want him to find his own happiness (I do hope the mangaka creates a happy-ending story for him) Again,we'll just have to wait for the chapters to be updated to clear things up :3
