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Does anyone remember this yaoi? The seme meets the uke during a blackout. The seme is lost...

Trinity December 5, 2017 11:29 pm

Does anyone remember this yaoi? The seme meets the uke during a blackout. The seme is lost in the dark and the uke calms him down and hands him a white cane. The seme tracks the uke down and gives him flowers and his cane back. The uke tells the seme he is blind. The uke plays an instrument and lives alone. At one point in the story the story they fall in love a start dating. The uke tries to break up with the seme and he gets mad and rapes the uke. The uke forgives and they keep dating and then the ukes bro comes home. The bro is crazy. He doesn't want the uke taken from him and sets the house on fire. The seme saves the uke but the brother gets away
Thank you to anyone who reads or answers this

    Mesperi December 5, 2017 11:53 pm

    wot in tarnation- not on my farm- yee haw c'mon sally *shoots shotgun* Welcome to 'merica

    Anyways im at a loss for words to comment about this plot but good luck? I'll try to find it lmaooo

    Eijiin Mhora December 5, 2017 11:57 pm

    I'm almost sure that it is the manga

    Nagai December 6, 2017 12:16 am


    ReNaaa680 December 6, 2017 1:34 am

    wooww following

    Trinity December 6, 2017 3:10 am
    I'm almost sure that it is the manga Eijiin Mhora

    Thank you so much. This is it. I love this story but I completely forgot what it was called

    miusaski December 6, 2017 3:11 am

    that escalated quickly