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The year break

wispa December 6, 2017 12:00 pm

I wonder if there is a bit more to that year break. Unless i have missed it but it doesn’t say whether the seme’s family know that he is in a relationship with a man. So as its a true story, maybe the seme’s family said you have to try and fall in love/make it work with this woman, and that is why he was gone for so long. That would explain why it took him a year and he even moved in with the woman. Maybe out of respect for his family that is why they haven’t gone into detail about that side as it is about real people. Like i say i could have missed something, ill have to re-read it to see. Also its a good job the woman was in love with someone else, because that would have been complicated if she fell for the seme. It was like it was destiny that they ended up together.
