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I'm just disappointed

Mameiha December 8, 2017 5:06 pm

I adore a good, hot 3p, but this was painful to read. The uke is entirely too fickle and flaky. He was not a likable character to me. From his first meeting with Asuza to the last page of the manga I felt anxious to the point of nausea. There was little to nothing presented in the plot that was remotely believable and the speed at which the story moves felt as though I was being rushed out the door. Even as I write this comment, I can't wait to get away from this manga. I won't be back, that I can guarantee.

    gucciboy December 9, 2017 7:51 am

    bro chill

    Mameiha December 9, 2017 6:00 pm
    bro chill gucciboy

    LOL Reading text really is subjective isn't it? What makes you think I wasn't chill when writing this? I simply didn't like the manga, I'm not going to go on a shooting spree over it. LMAO I'm also a female, but based on my display pic, I can see why you might be mislead. I read too many manga, novels and fanfic to let any of them affect me for more than the time it takes to write a review. It's just a story, someone's fantasy. Unfortunately, I didn't really care much for this one. It left me with a bad taste in my mouth. That's all.

    gucciboy December 9, 2017 6:18 pm
    LOL Reading text really is subjective isn't it? What makes you think I wasn't chill when writing this? I simply didn't like the manga, I'm not going to go on a shooting spree over it. LMAO I'm also a female, bu... Mameiha

    i assumed u were a girl and like seriously chill its not that deep dude

    Lee-boi December 9, 2017 6:57 pm

    No need to write a big ass paragraph about it could have just said "don't really like this one" would've been easier

    Mameiha December 9, 2017 7:12 pm
    i assumed u were a girl and like seriously chill its not that deep dude gucciboy

    You're right, the story is not that deep and neither is my dislike for it. In fact, the only reason I even remember this manga is because your replies keep dragging me back here. Why do you feel that you need to respond to me? What did I say that stirred you to respond in the first place? I'm certainly not the only comment here that disliked the manga. Why me? Why not one of the dozens of others? Was it because I used emotional words? I'm a writer, this is how I express myself. Rather than saying "It sucks", I'll express the feelings I felt while reading. I'm also not 15, so my vocabulary extends beyond that of an 8th grader. If it worries you, rest assured, I'm perfectly fine now and have moved on to read far better written works. If you're doing this to troll, you've won. Good job. Do you feel better now? This will be my last reply. If your concern was genuine, it is much appreciated. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed our exchange and are feeling better about yourself. Have a good day.

    Mameiha December 9, 2017 7:13 pm
    No need to write a big ass paragraph about it could have just said "don't really like this one" would've been easier Lee-boi

    So I must adjust my writing style to fit your preferences? I have a simple sentence for you... "Go fuck your mother." Did that express my feelings concisely enough for you?

    Lee-boi December 9, 2017 7:17 pm
    So I must adjust my writing style to fit your preferences? I have a simple sentence for you... "Go fuck your mother." Did that express my feelings concisely enough for you? Mameiha

    The fuck is wrong with you just saying cuz you wrote some big ass para you drew attention to ya self

    Lee-boi December 9, 2017 7:34 pm
    So I must adjust my writing style to fit your preferences? I have a simple sentence for you... "Go fuck your mother." Did that express my feelings concisely enough for you? Mameiha

    And don't tell me to go fuck ma mom

    gucciboy December 9, 2017 9:56 pm
    You're right, the story is not that deep and neither is my dislike for it. In fact, the only reason I even remember this manga is because your replies keep dragging me back here. Why do you feel that you need t... Mameiha

    sensitive ass omg

    LOONA February 23, 2018 2:50 pm
    sensitive ass omg gucciboy

    no, it was her opinion of the manga, so what she did was make an objective criticism about this manga, and there is nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts publicly, even with complicated ass words or paragraphs of comments and not anyone of you can question that because that is what she likes to do and that is what she likes to say even though all of you can't comprehend. so what you just said was rude and unnecessary, i mean she could have appreciated more if you just dislike her comment (which i do too) or just say ''i do not agree with your opinion'' and say your explanation in a civilized way...don't get me wrong im 15 and even i know to speak in a well mannered way... as for lee-boi.. nobody is gonna adjust to you or to anyone.. if you can't comprehend then don't say anything because who the hell would say ''No need to write a big ass paragraph about it could have just said "don't really like this one" would've been easier''.. because it sounds idiotic (im guessing you're not)

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 6:35 pm
    no, it was her opinion of the manga, so what she did was make an objective criticism about this manga, and there is nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts publicly, even with complicated ass words or parag... LOONA

    Thank you for your kind words of support. Whether we agree or disagree on an opinion does not mean we can't have a civil discussion regarding our views. Who knows, you might sway my opinion if we discussed things, right? You may be young, but you have a good head on your shoulders, you're intelligent and you have been raised well. If I were your mom, I would be very proud of you. Thank you, again. I hope that in the future we can have many interesting conversations and discussions. I would be honoured to discuss my opinins with someone as intelligent respectable and respectful as you are.

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 6:41 pm
    no, it was her opinion of the manga, so what she did was make an objective criticism about this manga, and there is nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts publicly, even with complicated ass words or parag... LOONA

    What really makes me giggle about this whole thread is that normally my reviews or comments are three paragraphs long! LOL This is a really short and consise review! LMAO

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 6:59 pm
    The fuck is wrong with you just saying cuz you wrote some big ass para you drew attention to ya self Lee-boi

    I absolutely refuse to "dumb myself down" to fit the reading capabilities of those with an IQ lower than a golden retreiver. If you are incapable of understanding my comments, feel free to enhance and expand your reading comprehension through education. It will only improve your standing and abilities once you enter the "adult world". I am sincerely sorry that your education, thus far, has been so remedial and lacking. There are lots of online educational tools that will help you improve yourself that would be a more productive way to spend your time online than reading manga. You should check them out. I wish you the best of luck in your educational endeavours. Have a good day and wish your mother well for me.

    LOONA February 23, 2018 7:02 pm
    What really makes me giggle about this whole thread is that normally my reviews or comments are three paragraphs long! LOL This is a really short and consise review! LMAO Mameiha

    LMAO ,of course.. i was about to let this pass but im guessing that this people should learn how to respect others even though they have different perspective in a certain subject, and thank you for the kind words and also i checked you bio and saw that you are a mom.! with someone who is as intelligent and as wise as you.. im sure that you've taught your children well..not just with intelligence, but also wisdom.

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 7:11 pm
    LMAO ,of course.. i was about to let this pass but im guessing that this people should learn how to respect others even though they have different perspective in a certain subject, and thank you for the kind wo... LOONA

    Thank you. Your kind words regarding my parenting are flattering and sincerely appreciated. If I may, you mentioned in your original comment that you disagreed with my opinion on this manga. Would you care to share your opinion with me? I would be very pleased to hear what you thought of this manga. If it has been too long since you read it and you can't remember, I would understand. I have read or reread probably two or three dozen manga since this one. Only the joy of sharing an intelligent and rousing discussion of views would get me to reread a manga I said I would not. LOL If you have the time and the desire to do so, I would be pleased to talk with you. Thank you, again. I am very happy to have met you.

    LOONA February 23, 2018 7:20 pm
    Thank you. Your kind words regarding my parenting are flattering and sincerely appreciated. If I may, you mentioned in your original comment that you disagreed with my opinion on this manga. Would you care to s... Mameiha

    well let's see, i guess our difference would be that i actually quite enjoyed the manga not because of the plot but more of the ''cute side'' of it so instead of nausea i actually had butterflies LMAO. but plot wise i agree with everything about what you said there.. because even though i like this manga.. i can't deny the fact that this was the dumbest manga i've ever read (at least up until now).. so i guess our difference would only be the level of fascination (or obsession) of threesomes i guess.. because i am literally bias when it comes to 3p..LMAOOOO

    lia February 23, 2018 8:03 pm
    LMAO ,of course.. i was about to let this pass but im guessing that this people should learn how to respect others even though they have different perspective in a certain subject, and thank you for the kind wo... LOONA

    since when is saying that someone should chill and that there was no need to write such a long paragraph disrespectful? they only expressed their opinion on her comment just like she did on the manga. the only one who acted childish and was disrespectful about the whole matter was mameiha, or is telling someone to fuck their own mother regarded as "well-mannered", "educated" and "wise" in the US?

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 9:36 pm
    well let's see, i guess our difference would be that i actually quite enjoyed the manga not because of the plot but more of the ''cute side'' of it so instead of nausea i actually had butterflies LMAO. but plot... LOONA

    I see. I can completely understand and respect that bias though. I have my own "fascinations" that, regardless of how poorly written or ridiculous the scenario, I can enjoy them immensely. 3P are always great to see, for me, but they are a passing fancy to my other "fascinations". I am a lover of the much despised "rape and ravishment" fantasies and the even more despised "incest/twincest fantasies". For the rape/ravishment fantasies it is the allure if the idea that one's partner is so overwhelmed with desire for their lover that they can no longer contain themselves. That "I need you and I need you right now" feeling is such a turn on for me. This probably stems from having been abandoned for another in my past. That is a big injury to a psyche. The abandoned person will need to feel like they are the only person in their lover's eyes more strongly than others and they may do outrageous, and sometimes harmful, things to attain that feeling. Or, they may do as I have done and involve themselves in a safer method of obtaining that feeling, like BDSM groups. Within those groups, we can fulfill those needs in a safe and consensual environment where everyone is on the same page and actively engaged in that type of fantasy role playing. As for the incest/twincest fantasies, sadly, they must remain on the page since I have yet to meet twins or brothers who find each other sexually attractive within my circle of friends. I am not a twin and I have only one brother, whom I find as sexually appealing as rotting meat. LOL I love him, but not in that way. I imagine that at 15, having been involved in your own 3P is a slim possibility, but it is not an incredible thought. I was rather "worldly wise" at your age, though I wouldn't recommend that kind of life to any young person. Is a 3P just a fantasy you enjoy or is it something you'd like to enjoy in real life? ... Wow, that sounded like a really bad pick up line! Forgive me, that is not how it was meant. I am simply curious about your interests, I am not trying to lure you into bed. LOL

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 9:57 pm
    since when is saying that someone should chill and that there was no need to write such a long paragraph disrespectful? they only expressed their opinion on her comment just like she did on the manga. the only ... lia

    I respond in kind to those that approach me. If you don't like my behaviour you are welcome to join Lee-boi in the fucking of your mother. You don't employ me, feed me, clothe me, put a roof over my head, keep me warm or fuck me and I have not given birth to you. So, why should I care any more about your opinion of me than I do about the toilet tissue I just flushed with my morning shit? I'd go batshit insane if I spent every moment you people wished I did on your idiocy. If you are incapable of comprehending a person's words or lack the attention span to read them and you take out your anger at your own inferiority and stupidity on the more educated and capable person, it only expresses more pointedly how devastatingly inferior and profoundly stupid you really are. There is a saying for this situation... "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." You and Lee-boi are the ones opening your mouths.

    Mameiha February 23, 2018 10:13 pm
    sensitive ass omg gucciboy

    It has nothing to do with me being sensitive. It has to do with your lack of tact and your inability to read both my words and the atmosphere around them. I'm sorry that you are incapable, but that is not my problem. I'm also sorry that you feel inferior, again, not my problem. So, I'd appreciate it if you didn't take out your anger at feeling inferior and incapable on me. There are more healthy ways to deal with such things. Take some classes, read something more difficult than a manga that is half-assedly translated by children who don't even speak the language they are translating to fluently, like something by Twain, Fitzgerald or Stevenson. Improve your own abilities before you comment on or criticize others in order to make yourself feel better. The reward of improving yourself will feel far better than the small joy you get from bullying others.