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GUYS PLEASE HELP ME!!!! My question doesn't have anything to do with manga's, its about ex...

Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:19 am

GUYS PLEASE HELP ME!!!! My question doesn't have anything to do with manga's, its about exams. Tomorrow i have a final exam and i didn't study for it. I have science exam for grade 11, and its all memorizing. I have 6 lessons. Thats why i couldn't do anything but to ask how can i cheat in the exam??? I'm really afraid that i'll fail and there is just two years for me to graduate. The classroom is too small and there is two teachers there. I can't cheat in front of them thats why i want a perfect way to cheat. The lessons are too long:((

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:20 am

    I just have one hour please anyone answer me!!!

    alice December 12, 2017 1:25 am

    well , put the important things in a paper so at the moment of your exam you can use it or sit next to a person who is the smartest in your class .

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:27 am
    well , put the important things in a paper so at the moment of your exam you can use it or sit next to a person who is the smartest in your class . @alice

    I can't cause the teachers arrange our seats and everyone is far from another one, and all of the lessons are meanings and important things╧╧

    Pacgirl December 12, 2017 1:29 am

    Nah I wouldn't cheat. Sometimes cheating takes more time and stress than studying does.
    If you had a day I'd tell you to use videos and record your voice saying terms so you could listen to them on the way to school. But, yeah I made the same mistake back in grade 11. I never failed but if you fail you may be able to see if summer schools a choice.

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:30 am

    Bruh, try to memorize information as much as you can. Don’t waste more time. Cheating is a bit risky but it’s up to you anyway.

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:31 am
    Nah I wouldn't cheat. Sometimes cheating takes more time and stress than studying does. If you had a day I'd tell you to use videos and record your voice saying terms so you could listen to them on the way to s... Pacgirl

    I can't fail and memorising 6 lessons is way too much for me

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:31 am
    Bruh, try to memorize information as much as you can. Don’t waste more time. Cheating is a bit risky but it’s up to you anyway. @Anonymous

    I know but i can't memorise anything

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:32 am
    Bruh, try to memorize information as much as you can. Don’t waste more time. Cheating is a bit risky but it’s up to you anyway. @Anonymous

    Its so hard

    yaoui December 12, 2017 1:34 am

    keep reciting important things in your head non stop and when you get ur exam paper write import stuff immediately when you have it so you wont forget

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:35 am

    I told you i really can't memorise anything, if i memorise some informations it may not come in the exam and the thing that i didn't memorise comes so it'll be a problem

    Ducks are Nice December 12, 2017 1:36 am

    look for a video on youtube or something that summarizes the general topic.

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:37 am

    Ugh sorry but you are no help for me, i'm telling you i have less than hour until i go to school

    Ducks are Nice December 12, 2017 1:37 am
    look for a video on youtube or something that summarizes the general topic. Ducks are Nice

    with the situation you've described you are sure to be caught cheating. You shouldn't even try to attempt, you'll get caught and everyone's trust in you will be doubted (way into the future too).

    miusaski December 12, 2017 1:38 am

    Bring a water bottle, open the wrapper that goes around the waist of it, write down cheat codees, fill up the bottle with water so that the codes are distorted and not very visible and then there ya go

    if you're a woman, tape/attatch a cheat card in your bra and pretend to fix it in class when the teacher isn't looking look at the card

    you can also look up lots of clever life hacks on youtube they've got you covered

    Pacgirl December 12, 2017 1:38 am
    I can't fail and memorising 6 lessons is way too much for me @Anonymous

    Well, how do you usually study? Are your studying habits not the ones you should be using? My friend had the same problem.
    By studying the right way you can memorize some important stuff in an hour.
    My method is reading out loud and watching quick youtube videos in times of desperation. What subject is it? If it's science there are plenty of quick ones, history, and math too. I'd try to memorize anyway it's your only hope, literally.

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:40 am
    Ugh sorry but you are no help for me, i'm telling you i have less than hour until i go to school @Anonymous

    its your damn fault for not studying, you deserve to fail if you're planning on cheating

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:41 am
    its your damn fault for not studying, you deserve to fail if you're planning on cheating @Anonymous

    okay its my damn fault so if you don't want to help them don't reply

    Anonymous December 12, 2017 1:42 am
    its your damn fault for not studying, you deserve to fail if you're planning on cheating @Anonymous

    And i didn't cheat in my whole life just now..

    Ria December 12, 2017 1:45 am

    Then just aim to memorize the big parts that you know will be on the test.

    Pacgirl December 12, 2017 1:46 am
    Bring a water bottle, open the wrapper that goes around the waist of it, write down cheat codees, fill up the bottle with water so that the codes are distorted and not very visible and then there ya go if you'r... miusaski

    That might not work depending on what country it is. In Canada, they didn't let us bring clear plastic water bottles.
    Writing all the stuff down may take too long especially if they don't know what the questions will be on. (Hopefully, they don't have a random ass teacher like mine.)