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4x rereading ! I can't get over of this manga .. 😍😍 miki is freaking adorable and ud...

Mica December 14, 2017 1:19 pm

4x rereading ! I can't get over of this manga .. miki is freaking adorable and udou is hot..

    Mica January 22, 2018 3:28 pm

    Yes its Ponyo !! Because I love Ponyo

    Mica January 22, 2018 3:31 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Random Stories

    Yes its Ponyo !! Because I love Ponyo

    Paige liable March 12, 2018 11:53 pm
    Yes its Ponyo !! Because I love Ponyo Mica

    Ponyo was the first ever anime I ever watched and I was about 5 or 6
    I still really love it(β‰§βˆ€β‰¦)

    chaelattea April 15, 2018 6:37 pm
    Ponyo was the first ever anime I ever watched and I was about 5 or 6I still really love it(β‰§βˆ€β‰¦) Paige liable

    5 or 6?!?!!? that came out like in 2008??? HOW OLD ARE YOUU AAAA MORE AND MORE.CHILDREN ARE EXPOSED TO SIN AAA

    chaelattea April 16, 2018 6:13 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Random Stories

    i discovered it when i was 10 xDD more and more children are exposed early like us