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RIP Kim Jonghyun.

daynight December 18, 2017 3:17 pm

Dec 18 was a happy and sad day for the kpop world. Taeyang and Min Hyorin has confirmed to be married. On the other hand Jonghyun from Shinee has passed away from suicide. Jonghyun ah you've done well, rest in peace.

    ishuca ken December 18, 2017 4:35 pm

    he have a very good voice!!!! but the reason he attempted suicide is because (just rumor) he got attacked because he supported lgbt and transgender community.. i just don't get people who is willing to make other people life miserable just because they don't share the same ideology.. words hurt like a blade people.. even before we say something that we think is correct just because we think we have a right.. it could hurts other people feeling and make them suffer... its too bad that they didn't get to save him..i pray for him and his family.. rip jonghyun and thanks for the laugh all this while. RIP

    Ash December 18, 2017 4:47 pm

    Just called my bff to inform the sad news about her favorite shinee member. It didn't go well. He will always be in our hearts. May he rest in peace.

    Sunshine December 18, 2017 5:16 pm

    Jonghyun rest in peace

    sone December 18, 2017 6:32 pm

    i'm so sad along with everyone on this. he's my bias in shinee for numerous reasons and to see him pass on like this hurts so much. I was really looking forward to shinee's 10th anniversary next year too. I hope whatever they decide to do they'll put on a really touching remembrance of him and that they'll be able to go on after that. You did well Jonghyun. May he rest in peace

    daynight December 18, 2017 6:53 pm
    he have a very good voice!!!! but the reason he attempted suicide is because (just rumor) he got attacked because he supported lgbt and transgender community.. i just don't get people who is willing to make oth... @ishuca ken

    According to his close friend it was because he thought his music wasn't good enough. But that's not true. His music is beautiful. Always. Then again we'll never know the reason. Depression is a monster. It can swallow you whole. And depression took our beloved Jonghyun.

    ishuca ken December 18, 2017 7:40 pm
    According to his close friend it was because he thought his music wasn't good enough. But that's not true. His music is beautiful. Always. Then again we'll never know the reason. Depression is a monster. It can... daynight

    yes agreed.. depression, anxiety and suicide thought/attempt are illness yet still many people take it lightly.. i studied my master about this.. hopefully we'll find a better solution to counter these Illnesses an create awareness to the society