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My ShinZaya dream

IcygoldenPalace December 18, 2017 9:40 pm

Well, it could have been Shizaya had Wachi been a more sensitive man and had reacted to Makio scamming him by throwing a vending machine at him. But I am so happy that this is my beautiful Shinra x Izaya.
Wachi and Makio, themselves, may not be entirely the same as Shinra and Izaya but their main emotional relationships are exactly the same. It's so fun. Wachi's love for Makio is very similar to Shinra's completely devoted (masochistic XD) love for Celty . And, Makio cares for Wachi geatly, maybe already loves him, in the exact same way that Izaya loves Shinra. Both Makio and Izaya (both kuudere) show restrained display of affection, act calm and nonchalant in interaction but will protect the person they love from behind-the-scenes and anyone who dares to harm the one they love will rue the day they dared to hurt them.
Iza-chan, congratulations. Your love for Shinra has finally been requited in another life.
