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So I've been on the group that last scanlated this yaoi (their page is a little confusing ...

Hayden July 4, 2013 7:35 pm

So I've been on the group that last scanlated this yaoi (their page is a little confusing and really hard to look at btw-it's all bright prink and blue). Anyway, they are kind of MIA right now or at least that is what it looks like based on their archives. From what I could tell there hasn't been much activity on their page since May. They were a really knew group and this is like one of the first projects they picked up. Hopefully they are just preoccupied at the moment and they will be able to start back up soon *fingers crossed*

    Anonymous July 4, 2013 8:50 pm

    yeah your research wasn't so good because sensei never released a chapter 4

    Hayden July 4, 2013 8:35 pm

    No, my research was fine. Everything I said about what I saw on the groups page was right... And according to Baka-updates there are 3 volumes not 3 chapters in it's country of maybe it's your research that wasn't so good...

    Kathy July 4, 2013 8:49 pm

    unfortunately anonymous is right. I think because this is a doujinshi, but the ones here are the 3 volumes (I still think of them as chapters though). So yeah no 4th chapter (or volume I guess would be the right term??).

    Hayden July 4, 2013 8:53 pm

    Everything else I said was right though...I didn't even originally say anything about the chapters/volumes of this yaoi. I just said that there hasn't been any activity from the last group that scanlated it since May...

    Kathy July 4, 2013 9:11 pm

    Oh I know I was just trying to clear up that little misunderstanding that you and anon had. Sorry if it came out as rude cause that wasn't my intention.

    Anonymous July 4, 2013 10:10 pm

    yeah those volumes you're talking about are chapters, so your research wasn't so good after all.
    there arent any more chapters so stop asking for them in english as if they owe you something

    Hayden July 4, 2013 11:40 pm

    Look, IDK what you are talking about... I never asked for the chapters I didn't even say anything about them in the first place so lay off. ALL I was talking about was how the group hadn't scanlated recently. Sorry I was wrong about the chapters but that wasn't even in my first post so you are starting shit over nothing. Stop being a fucking troll.