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The greatest story in the genre

IcygoldenPalace December 19, 2017 6:58 am

This is definitely the best story in yaoi genre and one of the best stories in romance and overall, because it hits all marks. It has excellent art, amazing characters who are both admirable and endearing, has a coherent story line that sticks to logic and doesn't ruin itself for meaningless drama, and respectful treatment of all kinds of relationships.
Most authors in shoujo/josei/yaoi romances try to create an elaborate, complicated plot that they care little about just as an extravagant wrapping for stories that remain basically a simple romance or porn. But the plot is never their chief concern. The plot and even the characters are very inconsistent because they solely exist to create emotionally charged situations as and when convenient.
But this one is an extremely smartly written story. The author did not bite off more than they could chew, paid attention to pragmatic depiction of their theme, stuck to few elements and executed them better than anyone else. A truly magnificent job. One of my favorite things about this story that I rarely find in others is that this is a romance and our main characters are lovers but their relationship as lovers does not overshadow their identities and responsibilities as individuals. As an example, one of my favorite scenes in the story is ch 6 pg 20-26.
