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Is it just me but seemed like papirus (the crazy ex) had something goin' on with his butle...

Ami-chan July 5, 2013 4:53 am

Is it just me but seemed like papirus (the crazy ex) had something goin' on with his butler... Sigh I see yaoi pairings everywhere nowadays -_-

    Tiger July 5, 2013 5:29 am

    I am soooo with you there. I cant even think straight anymore!!! When it comes to to hot guys and they seem to make a great match my head just gets filled with ideas lol! !!!!!!

    Anonymous July 5, 2013 5:51 am

    Whenever I see two hot/cute guys walking together I think they're gay. Once I saw twins who were really close together and I thought they were gay.

    Anonymous August 2, 2013 12:30 am

    I third that :D Whenever I go places with my friends and they start squealing over "how hot those guys are" and wishing that they could have boyfriends like them, I'm just thinking about how nice it would be if the two guys were actually hooked up in a secret relationship OTL
    This is why I will never have a love life.

    luna September 12, 2013 1:13 am

    Lol I agree.. bwuahahhahhahahahhah I'm also the same when I see a group of guy I quietly try to figure out which one is the seme and which one is the uke and who goes with who if there were in a secret relationship