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The protag is fucking stupid and I hate her lol. She didn't get into her dream school so s...

Nana December 22, 2017 11:23 pm

The protag is fucking stupid and I hate her lol. She didn't get into her dream school so she decided to take it out on other people and skip school?? She signed up for fucking student council and still thought "I'm just gonna not come to school because nobody cares about me and I failed to get into my dream school!! :(" First of all, she just ignored the responsibilities she signed up for and pushed it on to other people. Secondly, she was giving up like this because of one failure?? What happened to making to most of your situation? How did you think you were gonna do if you just gave up? Annoying

    hiraya February 15, 2018 4:38 am

    yeah her reasons are really shallow. i would have understood her if she's anxious or extremely shy and wanted to get over it but she's just a selfish brat who finds satisfaction in victimizing herself

    innoma April 10, 2018 6:16 pm

    uhm I dont want to start an argument or anything bad but i just think that that's what the author wanted to happen.... she took that break because she was feeling frustrated and confused... she had to realize that she was being selfish and stupid... and the guy kinda helped her in finding that out.... at the end, didn't she apologize about it? she was finally aware that what she did was very selfish and she didn't think of the others.... but the break she took helped her sort her thoughts and feelings out so i guess it was a good development for her character...

    Annabananababy January 28, 2020 5:55 am

    Yea Her reasoning and actions are so irrational and stupid. If I met someone like this, I would not be able to stand them. Imagine yourself as the other council member getting other work pushed onto you because someone decided to sign up and dip for two weeks without any valid reason besides “this isn’t even the school I wanted to go to so I’m not gonna go”. I would be so mad and insulted. Moreover, I feel like she didn’t even try to tell them her reasoning and just skipped which makes it even worse. If a bitch did this to me she’s not gonna get away with it. This is basically equivalent to being the useless group member who made everyone else do your part.

    Sheryl January 28, 2020 9:40 am

    Oh my god y'all so nasty people. She is only 15, fucked up her exam and is depressed about it.
    I hope you none of you have any friends (except innoma) who make fun of them if they go through a difficult time. Bah, yucky people.

    Annabananababy January 28, 2020 8:19 pm
    Oh my god y'all so nasty people. She is only 15, fucked up her exam and is depressed about it.I hope you none of you have any friends (except innoma) who make fun of them if they go through a difficult time. Ba... Sheryl

    That’s not the fucking point it’s her throwing away her responsibilities that she fucking signed up for. If she was already depressed then why sign up for the council if you know you’re just gonna be bummed out the whole time.

    Annabananababy January 28, 2020 8:28 pm
    Oh my god y'all so nasty people. She is only 15, fucked up her exam and is depressed about it.I hope you none of you have any friends (except innoma) who make fun of them if they go through a difficult time. Ba... Sheryl

    And nobodies making fun of her we’re just calling out her actions as any friend would do if their friend were making some pretty bad decisions. I don’t baby my friends. Of course I support them but I tell them the truth and reality. I’ve had friends who dealt with serious problems throughout their life due to school stress. I give them the support they need along with advice. In the case of the protagonist she was running away from her problems which in turn puts some consequences that her classmates have to deal with. If she doesn’t want to be at the school so much then don’t sign up for the student council and just go missing for two weeks.