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I loved all XD ~ last one was hell of intriguing and I lvoed it ! its just borring when ev...

SamuraiSx July 6, 2013 12:46 am

I loved all XD ~
last one was hell of intriguing and I lvoed it !
its just borring when everything is perfect in yaoi story, I like such twists of dumb seme who can't realise that sleeping oth others beside his beloved ill hurt him, before some danger occures . lol just loved all :D

    yaoi lover July 6, 2013 1:03 am

    Did u even read the story?
    p14: He clearly know the uke cried and mad.
    p5: the uke already told me not to do it and he promised.
    Im sorry thar a monogamous relationship, which seems so boring to you, makes true faithful love and marriage beautiful.

    Neko July 16, 2013 7:13 pm

    I agree with you. I love all the stories, including the last one!-^^-

    @yaoi lover
    That's there opinion. Don't become offended by her comment. We all have a say in what we think/believe. So please calm down and think about what you say before you post it. :) And you have a spelling error.

    Neko July 16, 2013 6:28 pm

    *or his

    yaoi lover July 16, 2013 8:17 pm

    @Neko: "Their" not "there". Ur welcome. Now we both have spelling errors.
    Im not even offended, it has nothing to do with me. I felt like he/she really misinterpreted the story.
    If she truly understands it and still has no problem, then its fine since it has nothing to do with me.
    But she didnt really understand the story.
    And I did think carefully. Otherwise, I wouldnt bother to cite and just wrote whatever.
    But I guess I put this comment at the wrong place. It should be for his/her comment a couple post below. I mean he/she wasnt happy when someone said he/she doesnt like it, so I dont see Im not allowed to correct her...

    adderall July 16, 2013 8:48 pm

    @yaoi lover, the way you type it, it sounds quite mean and aggressive. it's sort of saying it's not "ur" it's "you're"

    yaoi lover July 16, 2013 8:56 pm

    @adderall: Well, I guess I was mean since I want it to come out as a payback. I mean its OK not to agree with what I said. But he/she was the one who randomly mentioned about the spelling error first. As long as its not completely nonsense then I dont see the need to point it out. There is not edit function in mangago.
    But still, "ur" and "your" is a internet abbreviation. But "there" and "their" is a common spelling mistake. I see people do it on their essay too and the teachers always want to kill themselves when they read such paper. But whatever. Not the point I try to make :(

    adderall July 16, 2013 10:11 pm

    @yaoi lover, despite all the mess, i do agree with what you wanted to explain about that chapter...

    Anonymous September 2, 2013 10:55 am

    @Neko: WTF? Ur totally biased. Just bc u like the story, u told "yaoi lover" not to correct this person bc "different opinions". Hello, this very same person just argue with someone else right below. Opinions are respected but completely failed to comprehend the story needs to be corrected. Both of u need to reread the study or restudy how to read before pointing out spelling mistakes or using your weird illusion of the story to correct someone. And "think before u type" should apply more to you.

    link loves yuri September 2, 2013 2:01 pm

    thats right. @neko and @samurai
    think about the moral of the people if you think that having lots of fuck buddies, infidelities are right. go and fuck the rest of our minds that it is right. and please stop correcting people's spelling. just.. what the hell? can't think of a comeback? huh?! seriously you guys can realize this story is just so wrong. once again.its your opinion.. an idiotic opinion. i dont care if all us are mean as long as i corrected you. end of story. you guys are dumb. just thinking of the shallow part will make you an idiot more,

    yaoi lover September 2, 2013 3:21 pm

    Thanks guys. That sets me off wasnt just the fact that Samurai thinks infidelity is OK but also the fact the he/she doesnt seem to get what actually spelled out in the story and actually uses his/her misinterpretation to correct people. Either he/she read a totally different manga or completely bend the manga for his/her convenience, I just have to correct that.

    Evilcleo September 20, 2013 10:41 pm

    Actually yaoi lover, I think samurai understood the story perfectly. Like they said, they like stories where the couple isn't perfect. And a cheating seme fits that definition perfectly.

    yaoi lover September 20, 2013 10:49 pm

    @evilcleo: If u read other comments from this person, he/he said the seme doesnt know the uke get hurts when the seme cheated and the uke never told him t stop. I gave him/her the correct info with page number where the uke told the seme to stop and the seme did know that the uke was hurting. Thats what I wanted to correct. So, no, I still dont think the commenter understand the story. Whether it is a good/percect story or not and this person should like it or not, its not for me to judge. But if someone completely twisted the story in the way he/she wanted, I just had to correct.