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Not Manga, Help with a Light Novel

Night December 25, 2017 7:41 pm

Hello, folks! I've been trying to recall the name of this light novel and I was hoping some of you might know it. I read it over a year ago but from what I recall it was a wuxia novel about this guy who woke up in the body of a poor kid in a small isolated village.

Everyone in the village had to go into the mountains to find rare plants/herbs for the talented cultivators if they wanted to receive any food. The MC finds high quality plants using his cheat, but sucks out all their energy so they are actually useless to the cultivators.

Later, cultivators from bigger cities come who have actual skill and see whether anyone is worth taking along. During one of the lessons offered by the skilled blokes, the MC starts eating clay and tree bark as they instruct, and seeing he's fine, everyone else follows. Turns out they, on the other hand, aren't and will be constipated to the point they may even die.

Next part I remember is the MC's in one of the bigger cities and fighting in this tournament. Of all the weapons offered, he chooses what is pretty much just a fancily-named brick and ends up kicking ass with it.

If anyone happens to know of it and can tell me the name, I would be eternally grateful.

    Chezia December 25, 2017 8:31 pm

    This one perhaps ?

    I don't read novels but after throwing a few words here and there on google, I found this. It seems to fit but I'm not sure..

    Night December 26, 2017 3:23 am
    This one perhaps ? don't read novels but after throwing a few words here and there on google, I found this. It seems to fit but I'm not sure.. Chezia

    YES, THIS IS IT!!! Thank you so much! (/ ̄▽ ̄)/

    Chezia December 26, 2017 10:08 am
    YES, THIS IS IT!!! Thank you so much! (/ ̄▽ ̄)/ Night

    I'm glad. (❁´◡`❁)